Joanna Seda

I became a Consultant/Coach Because

My life thus far has been a compilation of failures and bumpy roads surrounded by blessings, wisdom, and guidance provided to me at each stage. Whether it was the individuals I decided to surround myself with or the books I have read, they have all established my foundation. Lessons learned enabled me to understand how to consistently build myself up while fulfilling God’s image of me. In doing so, I am compelled to build up others. Serving it forward is my calling. I am a true believer in guiding others to avoid and escape minefields. My focus is to propel them to become who they were meant to be in every aspect of their own lives; mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. As your coach, I am looking forward to embracing and becoming a part of your life’s journey; building a more direct path towards living a purpose driven, healthy, and fulfilled life; the very best you God intended. 

As a veteran “Serve it Forward” is a part of my DNA. Serving in the Navy, along with serving in the Air Force as a civilian, provided me a phenomenal experience that shaped, and prepared me for life. However, the most difficult challenge came for me as I exited out of the Navy and resigned from the Air Force. I went from having a clear understanding of vision to defining a new vision and reinventing myself into civilian life. This was a huge and freighting transition for me. However, I am grateful that I had both senior level civilian and military mentors/coaches to guide me through the process. Their wisdom and guidance helped me to create a toolkit of jewels to redefine a new successful vision for myself. As your coach I will share those jewels with you to reimagine your life. 

Education and CErtifications

United States Navy Veteran

United States Air Force Civilian 

Defense Financial Management Training

Integrated Wellness Life Coach Certification


American Society of Military Comptrollers 

Fun Facts

I love being with family.

I love war, spy, and colonial type of movies.

I enjoy 

  • Community Service
  • Working out
  • Listening to music
  • Relaxing
  • Reading